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Re: [SilverStreak] Water heater options

Our freshwater tank is small (~10gal) and steel, although probably 
lined. I agree, that it probably didn't need replacement, but it seemed 
silly not to replace it as I am replacing just about every other part of 
the water system. The 20gal poly tank I got was only $45 bucks anyhow. 
:-) With the amount of rust and particles that came out of the faucets 
when I pressurized the system with the air pump, I figured I had better 
sort it all out before we go dry camping with it.

I honestly haven't even looked for the name of the manufacturer of our 
current H/W tank, but I'm guessing its a Bowen based on the shape and 
pictures I've seen elsewhere. From some of the things I have read, 
Atwoods sound like a more straightforward replacement to the Bowens, but 
I have read some successful Suburban conversions. I guess I need to 
measure the opening and such this weekend. It just stinks because I can 
find DSI Suburbans for $200 less than the Atwoods.

I'm not quite sure what you mean by "It was never necessary to open the 
outside water fill thing with the original setup." Do you mean you have 
to open up the exterior for the demand pump to work? I plan on putting 
our new pump on the same 12V switch our air pump is on, so It should be 
the same. Our outside fill port was part of the leaking air problem why 
we couldn't get full pressure on the system, but I am definitely keeping 
it on the new tank. I just need to find a new washer for it.

Tanks for the insight, and I look forward to hearing the brand you put 
in your SS. I have only been reading Airpreen, replacement stories, so 
it is good to get the SS point of view.