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RE: [SilverStreak] Water heater options

I'm not quite sure what you mean by "It was never necessary to open
the outside water fill thing with the original setup." Do you mean you
have to open up the exterior for the demand pump to work? I plan on
putting our new pump on the same 12V switch our air pump is on, so It
should be the same. Our outside fill port was part of the leaking air
problem why we couldn't get full pressure on the system, but I am
definitely keeping it on the new tank. I just need to find a new
washer for it.

RE: Venting the "Fresh Water Supply Tank"

The pressure system did not require a vent.  I have a water pump in my
26' SS.  To pump water out of the fresh water supply tank, you must
vent the tank.  In my case, there is a small "Valve Stem" soldered
into the fill cap.  The "Valve Stem" has no inner filler, so I just
take the small valve stem cap off to allow the tank to vent.  If you
don't vent the tank, you will be pulling a vacuum on the tank when you
pump water out.  With my AL tank it is not a problem, just no flow
after a short time, BUT with your poly tank, if you pull a vacuum on
the tank you will collapse the tank.  In your case I would drill a
small hole in your water fill cap so that you could never pull a
vacuum on the tank.

