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Re: [SilverStreak] 1968 silver streak

From: "David Bennett" <>

> If you have time to look give me your opinion. The seller has sent me
> more information and pictures and it is pretty rough inside.

  Dunno about this one, they're proud of it looking at the opening bid and
BIN. One photo, taken in the dark, and nothing about the condition. If it's
had rodents in it you will have to worry about hantaviruses as well as the
smell. It's been my experience that the briefer the description, the worse
the product. If you can't go look at it, see if you can find someone that
can inspect it for you, although Bouse, Arizona is kinda out there.
  Look at their feed back. They're not selling, mostly buying, and it's
nickel/ dime stuff. This one sets off my alarms.
  Consider going longer, 24/26 ft. They're just as easy to pull and they're
usually cheaper. Argosys and Airstream Tradewinds and Overlanders in better
than "as found" condition can be had for less than their opening bid and
there are more of them out there. I've bought three and been privy to
several more, all were less than $2500.
  Are you a DIY kinda guy, conversant with tools and mechanical, electrical
and plumbing theory? If not, expect to squeal the beeeeg squeal when you
need something repaired.
  There are links to the Airstream vintage group and other handy info from
Tom P's website and Airstream Dreams.
  Now is the time to buy, "Why don't you get that thing out of the driveway,
we never use it." Get an idea of what's out there first so you won't get
burned so badly.
   Check Craigs LIST as well. I've had goood results there. It's not as
frenetic as E-bay.
  Happy hunting,
    '66 Overlanders/ '65 F250