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[VAL] Re: Vintage Airstream Club International

Hi Gang,
All I have to say is WOW!! You have all just taken the information circle 
test. Ya know that party game where people sit in a circle and someone 
whispers a story to the person next to them and when that comes back around 
the circle the story isn't anything like what is started out as.
The dog story is not about dogs. It's about enforcement of unpopular by-laws 
and club policies even if they don't make sense anymore. Where would the 
nation be if we could just ignore the rules we don't like??
Kevin is correct about VAC parking at International! Up until last year 
there were no restrictions on who could park in Vintage. We even had Vintage 
members who chose to come to International in their non-vintage trailers or 
motor homes, just so they could be closer to those folks that had the vintage 
mindset. There is and has been a difference in the culture of the VAC 
membership and many regular WBCCI Units.
On the good side the most prolific of these differences appears to be a 
tolerance and respect of our collective differences. The down side is, that 
tolerance also makes some of us a little less likely to follow any prescribed 
standard we find not to our liking.
Some of our VAC members have had a history of not playing by the club rules. 
In fact there were instances at the Burlington International where this was 
observed and noted.
The WBCCI IBT (International Board of Trustees) have viewed these individual 
behaviors as unruly and have placed the responsibility of correcting these 
situations on the VAC Board and Volunteers. There was pressure to follow the 
rules and last year it was decided at the last minute to make a doggy row to 
comply with that policy.
The club has had a canine policy for years. I suspect that when the 
International was 4 to 5 thousand member trailers strong, some 20 years ago, 
it must have been an issue that the membership felt strongly enough about to 
make it policy, just like they did with generators and handicap parking.
The Club (VAC/WBCCI) has created rules for the purposes of our collective 
enjoyment and a guide to our knowledge of how our membership should conduct 
club business to be considered members of the club.
It is up to all of us in the club to debate the issues and use the democratic 
process that the club has in place for changing unfair and obsolete policies. 
The club is not dictatorship, although it may seem like it at times depending 
on the officer making the demand.
In the end the club is about three things, Fun, Fellowship and Adventure!
Keep focused on good things and stay the course, change will come with time!
One more thing, The current President of the VAC, Bob Herman, will be or has 
issued an informational letter with regards to International. 
As the Pre-rally Camping and Parade Chair it is my responsibility to set up 
for these events, the details and more will be forthcoming in Bob's letter. 
However I will tell you we are meeting at the Ozark Empire Fairgrounds in 
Springfield on Sunday June 26 for an overnight stay in their campground 
($15). We will be lining up for the parade on June 27 at *****8:00 AM***** 
for a 9:00 departure to the Main Rally Site and 10:00 AM Arrival time. I 
requested an earlier parking time than in past years to ensure we have ample 
time to get hooked up with utilities. In past years, we have had members go 
without power and water hookups for up to two days.
Unfortunately due to the 30 amp service and the canine policy, the VAC is 
now split into 4 groups. Thirty amp service, thirty amp service with dogs, 
the traditional three amp service and three amp service with dogs. The 
canine areas are adjacent to the VAC areas but the 30 amp and 3 amp areas 
are separated by nearly a half mile. The VAC Activities Tent is the 3 Amp 
It is my personal opinion that these policies need to be changed for the 
enjoyment of all. Since the club appears to be getting smaller, divisive 
policies like these only detract from the positive experience and send the 
wrong message to the public and potential members about what we think is 
Speaking of what's important, lets get back to talking vintage trailers and 
We'll See Ya, Down the Road!
Wayne A. Moore (WAM)
1st Vice President
Vintage Airstream Club