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Re: [VAL] Grants Pass OR Ralley

Hi All:

For what? Wouldn't an individual's insurance do the same thing? 
Liability especially if one had an umbrella policy? This whole 
insurance business and litigation fear is paralyzing our society. I 
teach women to shoot handguns for self-defense and so far, going 
"naked" - no insurance, but cover all the bases ...has worked well. I 
think more M.D.'s could do the same. If an individual shows best 
diligence or due diligence, they'd be ok. I just got done attending an 
8-day malpractice trial of a local M.D. - the jury took one hour to 
return a not guilty verdict. Hopefully the pendulum is swinging back 
toward individual responsibility. I know this will probably spark a 
firestorm of horror stories but if they're not first hand experience or 
documented, don't. I think maybe that's at the core of my stubbornness 
about joining WBCCI.