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[VAC] Electrical mystery

While installing a new water pump, I could get it to run, but not pump
water, even with much troublshooting..  Returned it, and the same with the
second.  Hmm.  So I connected it directly to the car battery, and it worked
like a charm.  Borrowed the neighbor and his voltmeter, and found that
everywhere there was supposed to be 12volt DC current, I had random voltages
of AC.  I couldn't tell exactly what voltage-around 100 in a couple of
places, higher and lower elsewhere.

The electrical system does not appear to have been messed with, and the
systen runs fine off the battery.  Do I have a bad transformer, or is the
switch that controls city/battery power at fault?   What's the problem,
what's the solution, and is this dangerous?

And folks, I have 4 kids expecting to go on vacation on the 5th.  This looks
bleak, or at least it's way over my head.


Louis Joyner
'64 Overlander