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[VAC] Re: Chris Deam - hillbilly interiors

Great Questions Jimbo,

I certainly don't have all of the answers, but the
same round of questions posed problems to aircraft
modification and maintenance facilities within the
last 10 years. If the move is to composites, they 
are easy to cut out the bad area and splice in
new material and reglue, however we had to learn
a bunch of new processes and retrain our mechanics
and maintenance personnel. The government also helped
by developing repair guides and maintenance 
instructions, but it is a whole new ball game.
Of course the proponents said we wouldn't have to
repair as often, and they may have been right.
It will take time to tell for sure.  Raytheon devleoped
an all composite aircraft and has not been able to
sell it, they say it is too expensive. They have 
retooled and now are producing a composite fulselage
and metal wings to reduce cost. We will see!!!

'89 Excella 29'