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[SilverStreak] to wire a 6 pin round plugs

To the Group, 
? I just got a new to me pull vehicle. Its a 2004 3/4T Chevy with the tow package. When I checked the 6 pin round plug it was different then what I had on my 1969 Sabre. On the trailer the middle pin is hot. On the truck the top pin is. According to the info I found on the internet the truck is wired correct. Is that true? Also, is there any way to wire up to the truck battery so that it charges as you go down the road when you have a 6 pin? I used to have trailers with the 7 contact large round plugs, I believe it has a wire to charge the battery so I am surprised that the scimatics shown on the net doesn't have a charging wire too.
? Joe

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