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[SilverStreak] Silver Streak content on forthcoming site

I indicated earlier this month that I was working on migrating my current 
site over to a new server, but that this move would not be completed until 
later this  year.

That is still correct, but some of the data is already on the new server and 
may be accessed at this time by anyone who is interested.

The new site will still have the same URL of 
when the move is final, but in the intermim the data on the new server may 
be seen by pointing your browser to

At this time, not all content has been moved to the new server, and not all 
programs are yet enabled.  Those not enabled include the search function on 
the home page as well as certain perl and cgi-applications.  Be aware also, 
that no content should be posted to the new site, such as ads, photos or 
messages on the message board.  Anything posted will likely end up being 
overwritten.  Save all of your postings for the current site.

Of particular interest to those on this mailing list however, is that I have 
now archived copies of the mailing list postings up until the present.  The 
digests are fairly current as well.  Additionally, both of these are now 
searchable, so that you can search for key words in either by using the 
search facilities on the digest and the mailing list archive pages.

The content of the digests and the mailing list archives are similar, but 
not identical.  The digests do contain every message that has ever been 
posted to the mailing list in its entirety, with extra words, inappropriate 
content etc.  The archives on the other hand have been edited, with all 
extra wording as well as inappropriate submissions removed.  Then too, it is 
possible that not all message found their way up to the site.  This could 
have happened if I misplaced any of the messages.

Anyway, have a look.  From the home page, just navigate through "Trailers" 
and then to "Silver Streak Trailers".


When replying to a message, please delete all unnecessary original text.

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