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Re: [SilverStreak] results of the Yellowstone trip

Your post brings back memories of why we bought our Sabre.  We tent camped in 
Yellowstone last fall and a 10 degree morning sent us to the hotels.  Thought it'd be a good 
idea to carry our own heat in the winter and cooling in the summer.  I spent months looking 
before I found our 64 Sabre advertised locally.  We didn't know what we were buying, and to 
add to the confusion it was advertised as a 73 Travellite!

An additional note for people:  If you're in the Old Faithful area, traversing the boardwalk is 
worth the trip!!  Absolutely amazing!  We did it late in our trip.  I thought I wouldn;t enjoy it 
much because we had already seen tons of things already.  We did!  It was great!!  A number 
of unique sites.  BUT we were luckily there on a very, very active day.

Thanks for the update on Yellowstone though!  It recalls great memories.


On 20 Jun 2008 at 10:14, wrote:

Subject:        	[SilverStreak] results of the Yellowstone trip
Date sent:      	Fri, 20 Jun 2008 10:14:45 -0400
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> We got back from Yellowstone Wednesday and I thought I would write up
> a quick note on how it went...The Old Faithful area
> was packed, but in my opinion it is worth?that to see the geyser.