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Re: [SilverStreak] Hinges for Silver Streak

Thanks for the kind words. I was sorry the battery thing turned into a less 
than pleasant finality but I learned a lot from all the others. I just avoid 
the G word now, which got controversial.

I tend to think real inexpensive which is also called cheap, but I have 
limited money to spend so some things get the best and some things I try to 
hold down the costs. Batteries have limited life so it's mainly a personal 
preference and what can be afforded. There are very good Gel-Cell batteries 
but all are expensive to my budget. I will say that if I could afford 
Gel-Cell batteries, I would not put them outside of the trailer as is a 
must-do for the lead acid type. All Gel-Cell batteries are sealed vacuum 
packs including the little deer feeder and burglar alarm batteries. Gels can 
be mounted in any position and put anywhere unlike the acid type. Batteries 
do better when not in the sun or heat and now they get "legs" in this time 
of thievery. So one of several benefits of the Gel-Cell is that the battery, 
all the connectors, and wires can be moved to the inside and nicely mounted 
and concealed without making special provisions for corrosion control and 
ventilation. It takes it out of the "see me, take me" arena. Here in Houston 
there seems to be periods of street shopping to fill pick up truck with 
batteries that will bring $10 each at the corner scraper. Easy to make $300 
to $400 daily for just the effort of breaking a window and popping a hood.

I have been caring for my mom in my home since 1998. There are many others 
on this list who have had the same privilege and commitment. She cared for 
both sets of her parents in her home so I have shoes to fill without 
complaint. Each circumstance unique, I truly understand those who have made 
the same choice. Her time is very short now. To say this is hard, lonely and 
financially devastating does not begin to describe. A bunch of old trailers, 
motor homes, and this list provide some sanity in an otherwise unpredictable 
circumstance. I learn a lot. Most especially I learn there are others.

I think it is really neat that Ralph has something in the works. It will be 
good to see a stainless set of quality hinges. I would make in aluminum 
because I can work with it and weld it. I struggle with mastering stainless 
welding and it won't cut or drill without a lot more work. The welds of the 
stainless discolor and are hard to get back pretty. I think the only way is 
to break-bend all the 90 angles and loop-fold the hinges. I don't have those 
tools and would have to weld. The aluminum welds, break-bends and polishes 
more easily. I can  use schedule 40 walled tubing for the hinge and weld.

I am amazed that with all the quality of Silver Streak, they chose to use a 
pot metal cast hinge that like Ralph said, begins to fail from the moment it 
is installed. Even if the most meticulous maintenance was performed, the 
hinge loops eventually break if the trailer is used on the road. He is wise 
to not install his beautiful new hinges. Those should be saved and maybe put 
on display in a museum.
Houston, TX