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Re: [VAL] Bowen heater valve issues.


I'm glad for you that your home water heater is in the basement. ;)  That's 
a good place for it as water seeks it's own level so why not start out on 
the lowest point of the house. ;)

The doors on ANY new water heater for the Airstream will *not* be made of 
stainless, so don't you *dare* let go of that stainless door - 'ya hear me 
there, Glyn? ;)  Don't let it go anywhere, make the stainless door "fit" any 
and all new water heaters in your Airstream's future.  Those tinny doors 
they come with today make me ill!

Now, please let me save Marilyn the trouble during her time of future grief 
(she WILL be grieving I'm sure!) and let me come out and pick up that mighty 
fine specimen of Airstream history just sittin' around on your driveway, 
yet.  ;)  All right with you if I start to pull up some maps needed to find 
this little gem?  I sure wouldn't want to put your wife in the position of 
making any tough decisions when that time comes.

From one Airstream vintage to another, please do me the favor of being able 
to help you in Marilyn's future time of need ... today.  'K?
