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Re: [VAL] maiden voyage this weekend!


The beauty of propane is that the fumes are not (supposed to be) 
suffocating.  (I personally find the odour objectionable, but I got a 
fussy honker.)  The fan is only needed to remove the odour of the 
cabbage and broccoli casserole cooking for dinner.  Of course you won't 
be running the thing for days at a time, and the trailer is certainly 
not so tight as to use up all the oxygen inside.  Never go to sleep with 
any open flame in the trailer, the primary one of course being the 
stove.  Cat heaters are not open flame, and thus are safe to sleep with 
while lit, but they do consume the oxygen on which you should have first 
dibs.  (These to offend the fussy honker...)  Hence the need for opening 
a window a bit when they are burning.  (Note that the open flame of the 
heater and water heater are outside the trailer.  There's a reason for 

Bottom line, not necessary for routine cooking unless the smells/vapours 
bother you.

Enjoy the maiden voyage,
Matt Worner