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[VACList] Addition of gray water tank

After over a year of tinkering with my 1973 Tradewind, my wife and I finally
traveled with it!  A 4,00 mile trip to Florida and return with great comfort
and pleasure.  This was our first trailer trip of any kind and we enjoyed
the interest and comments regarding an old Airstream.

The only shortcoming we experienced was the lack of a gray water tank.  When
I bought my trailer I knew there was only one waste tank, but naively
assumed that the sinks and shower emptied in that tank also.  I realized my
mistake when refinishing the shower with the realization that the shower
drain wasn't going to drain "uphill" into the waste tank.

Is there any way to add a gray water tank?

Thanks for any advice.

Rick Ellis
1973 Tradewind
WBCCI 01973