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[VAC] Re: To Walbernize or not?


Why don't you solve two problems with one solution? Buy a new lock that's
shiny and save the old lock with your spare parts stash for when something
breaks inside the new lock's mechanism? Plus, if you're on a caravan, you
may be the only one who has the critical parts when someone else's lock goes

On more than one occasion, I've been loaned a used "something or other" from
another caravaner after promising to replace it with an identical duplicate.
It doesn't take many of these experiences to quickly learn where to find odd
parts and which parts are most likely to break at an inconvenient time.

As an aside, if you haven't already established a pattern of shutting your
Airstream's door without slamming it, that would be a good habit to form.
Your 30 year old lock will love you and might not break tomorrow.
