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[VAC] "Good to go"

Hi VAC guys and gals,

When I turned on our air conditioner in our 1977 31' Airstream, the blower
worked "just like New York" on all three settings (low, medium, high). My
hopes began to rise.

When I turned on the thermostat for cooling, the compressor was silent and
no cooling occurred. My comment was, "Isn't this dandy? Our first hot day
with high humidity and there will be more perspiration before there is

Being from the school of repair whose philosophy includes the "just
noticeable difference," I removed the thermostat from the wall and cleaned
it (odorless mineral spirits), cleaned the three connectors where it mated
with the wall housing and then, reassembled it carefully.  Turned it on ....

Bingo! All systems were "good to go" and we're back in business with our 25
year old Armstrong air conditioner with heat strip.  I love it when such
successes occur. 

My minimalist attitude toward fixing things by changing them enough to make
the just noticeable difference so they work again - racked up more points
today.  Now I'm enjoying a cool one, smiling, combing my hair (what hair?)
and humming a tune.
