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[VAC] Re: SmarTire (was) What are they?


My blowout was the result of an apparent pothole strike.  Whatever it was, it
bent the rim, anyway.  The problem was that I didn't know about it for around 20
miles, until a routine walk around at a rest halt.  While the SmarTire may not
have detected a blowout at the instant it happened, I certainly would have known
within a half a minute, rather than a half an hour.  I have had the SmarTire let
me know of a low tire within 50' of rolling out the driveway.  Meant a stop at a
service station for air instead of a tire store for another tire.  Even at 50
cents for the air pump (another pet peeve for another time) it was 300 times
cheaper than a tire.

I'm sold on my SmarTire, and wait for the new version that will monitor the
Powersmoke's tires as well.

Matt (with round tires on the Tinsel Tubesteak)