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[VAC] Re: A Modest Proposal

Jim, I may have gotten ahead of the ball a little bit.  I was assuming that the group would somehow have to report on assets, which may (or may not) include assets in the form of time donations.  I was also envisioning this in relation to owning a piece of property and an operating business, which of course is only my fantasy and probably impractical in relation to what Tuna proposed, which was a more informal process altogether.  But I believe we would have to have some kind of structure to hold the ownership of the trailers while they were being restored, and for the ongoing management of the purchasing/restoring fund.  I don't know if the WBCCI would be able/willing to take on that task as well as all the club functions.

In terms of initial donation, I would be willing to make a contribution (not necessarily "sizable" but not neglible either) to the fund, and/or there may be people who would donate trailers they have despaired of working on, in the interest of getting them back on the road.
