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Hello fellow streakers,
  I'm writing from upper east Tennessee.  My name is Tom Pierson and I own a
1956  Clipper.  21' single axle.  I've had it for about 3 years now and am
getting ready to do some restoration work this spring.  It has a dent in the
roof just above the rear window from a tree limb falling on it back in the
60's.  All those years since it did not leak, until I attempted to push the
dent out last year. (against everyone's advice). It still is not a huge leak,
just a few drops when it rains really hard, but I still want to fix the dent.
Anybody got any tips on doing a job like this?  I'm thinking either removing
the interior skin section and trying to dolly it out from the inside or
removing the window and working between the skins.  I have a friend who does
the "paintless dent removal" technique on vehicles and thought I might let him
have a go at it.  I've searched high and low for new panels but with no luck.
Any help is greatly appreciated.
Thanks and happy trails.
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