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Re: [SilverStreak] mattresses

The mattresses in our '79 SS Supreme Saturn are a little narrower (34") than a standard "twin" size (39" x 75") for the home. I think this is called a "bunk" size. Older large RVs are under 8' (96") wide while many newer ones are almost 8 1/2' (102") wide. As walls are 2" or so thick, older RV interiors are under 7'-8" (92") wide, so a center bedroom with RV bunk mattresses has close to a 24" center aisle. If standard twin mattresses had been used the center aisle would have been no more than 14" wide! 
I think I might measure my Streak's center aisle 2morrow so my vast repository of almostly useless knowledge will be a little vaster (look that one up in your Oxford).

-- Jd Lyall <> wrote:

I used one of my original SS mattresses in a bed frame which my mother 
got in the early 50's. Isn't it a standard 'single' size? Maybe they 
don't exist any more but this old english made bed frame accepted the 
streak's mattress perfectly.