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Re: [SilverStreak] Hinge solution many words.

Braun is ready to do the hinge. $200 or less. There is a slight reservation, 
but only as to the hinge loop support riser. For that they need the hinge. 
They want to know how many. They want that information now. I would ask Tom 
to continue his leadership to poll for interest and get a tentative count. 
Below are the details of every question I can imagine that needs answer.

PRICE: Braun's first guesstimate is "under $100.00 per piece". That would 
mean a set of hinges would be about $200 for one trailer. They further say 
that if the hinge does not present problems associated with the support 
riser, and the production amount can increase from the six that I will want, 
the price could be as low as $47.00 per piece, or about $100 per set which 
would do one trailer. These are guesstimates and do not include shipping. 
Braun say's their shipping is a huge discounted rate. The lower price would 
be the difference of piece making mine, and shop computer tools set up for 
quantity production runs. They would keep their set up data for future 
orders. They would also attempt to market the hinge. Braun says if they make 
the hinge, and they think they can, they need a good pattern. The pattern 
will be returned insured. All shipping is done via UPS for control, 
relationship, and insurance. There is no set up fee or costs. There is no 
pre-pay. Hinges can be paid direct and shipped direct. I forgot to ask the 

WHAT THE HINGE WILL BE IS stainless steel plate with formed closed loops. 
The base mount, called a pre-leaf and the door leafs will be exactly the 
same including the radius. All holes will be iron-worker machine punched to 
match. The hinge mounting holes will perfectly line up for installation and 
exact door alignment. The pin will be "spun" stainless steel pin and not 
removable. The stainless stock will be standard mill finish and not high 
polished finished which would double cost. Stock cutting is done by laser. 
Stainless stock gauge will be determined by Braun but of a thickness less 
than 1/4" probably near 1/8". This is the stock they use to hang fire truck 
doors which are heavy steel doors. I have asked Braun to research and 
develop as needed, a longer hinge loop array like Ralph's are, to assure 
loop strength and to improve if needed. That will be the only possible 
difference in the present look of the hinge, and absence of the 
ornamentation appearance. The hinge will be able to be lubed with WD 40 or 
regular oil if ever needed. No other pin will be considered for avoidance of 
Bi-Metal problems. You can high polish if you want. Mill finish will look 
like the trailer skin.

SO HERE IS WHERE WE ARE: Guesstimate cost is $200 or less per set of two. 
Maker likes Scott's drawings, could use his drawing, but prefers a hands-on 
sample. MAKER WANTS A COUNT. I have Ralph's take off and can send it, or if 
Ralph wants to send one hinge of his new set, that is preferred. The bad 
hinge set Ralph sent to me has slight arches on the two door leafs and I do 
not know if those are supposed to be there or not. Braun said they can work 
around the badly worn and missing loops. We don't want them making an arch 
bend that should not be in the two leafs.

Thank you Tom, Ralph, Curtis, and Scott. I consider this job all but done 
for the doing just like the logos. I am excited that I will be getting six 
hinges which is three sets, for about $600 or maybe less, and not $1620 and 
maybe more.

Ralph renewed this very old and unsolved need. He made hinges. The price and 
maker presented unforeseen obstacles. He completed a hinge. He gave 
documentation and photo's. Tom posted. Ralph has sent me his best of worst 
hinge. Scott joined this list in a big way, professionally drawer a hinge. 
That furthered the languishing works on this need. Curtis found and provided 
a maker that does nothing but make hinges. NONE OF THIS WOULD HAPPEN WITHOUT 
TOMPATTERSON.COM  AND  HIS SSLIST. Braun was contacted. Braun viewed high 
pixel photo's and Tom's link to Ralph's documentation and photos. Based upon 
that, Braun has more than expressed a "can do" attitude and interest. They 
want to make the hinge at an affordable price. Braun did not know of 
trailers, including Airstream. Amazing.

Houston, TX