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Re: [SilverStreak]Hinge Project Update


I agree with you. Also we've talked the hinge thing to death for years. This 
company makes hinges. That's all they do! They think they can make from 
viewing all the pictures including Tom's link. Now they will have a brand 
new hinge! We will soon know. The price will be doable and not more than 
$300 per trailer for something that will outlast even the younger 

You and Ralph did what you had to and that's good. Like me, you want to use 
your trailer. Your new hinges will fail again if the trailer is "roaded". If 
the trailer sits, it won't fail as quickly, but will wear and sag. This 
either will or will not be a one-time shot for a great product solving a 
real need. I have a need. My trailers are worth at least $300 each to me to 
be useable and not loose my pristine doors. Look at what it cost Ralph to 
repair his door when it came loose! Look at what you had to do on your own.

That's not right. We had to learn from your successes. The total purpose of 
this list is sharing a common interest and helping one another. Without the 
list we are all repetitiously doing the same things over and over. What a 
loss and waste of individuals time and energy. This list works!

If they can make them, I'm buying them. I cannot make six hinges for less 
than the probable price. The materials are expensive. The work is hard. The 
material is very hard to drill. Hand making each piece exactly is very hard 
to keep machine-perfect. I don't want to make my own. I want better.

This company will stamp out mirror image duplicates. They will fit. The door 
will align perfectly. That is what I want and hope for. It may only be me 
buying, but it will be at least me. This won't happen again without a 
sample. They will not keep the pattern. Without Ralph, Scott, and Curtis, 
this project would just be something individuals will repeatedly suffer thru 
and we will endlessly talk. I won't ever again ask Ralph for such a generous 
gift he has given in providing us a perfect new unused pattern to a maker.

This week we will know a yes or no, exact price and details. I will report. 
This company is fast. They will want an answer. I will ask for a count and 
place the run order. By Friday or Monday at the latest people will have to 
make a final decision. I'm going to place an order!

It's a one-time shot. Use it or loose it. After that we can look at was once 
done in June 2008 in the archives of Tom's site and say, "Oh, I wish a had a 

Houston, TX