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Re: [SilverStreak] Good grief, just grease!

I think all this technical infomation is at the very best - overkill, 
disregarding whether it is right or wrong.  Remember, the original subject 
of all the grease talk was "Newbie battery question".

By now the list responses have probably managed to make the newbie wish he 
had never asked about batteries.  Not a real good service provided by the 
list members.

Lets keep our research efforts and the technical reasoning down.  As I said, 
we're talking overkill!


----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Eddie" <>
To: <>
Sent: Friday, April 18, 2008 10:47 AM
Subject: Re: [SilverStreak] Good grief, just grease!

> Al,
> You spent a lot of time on grease. Wow...
> My purpose is to learn, share, help when I can. So is Ken's. I presume 
> yours too! I have professional credentials and Ken's are much greater. 
> Others here offer valuable information. They too have professions, 
> credentials, and experience covering vast knowledge. It is in my nature as 
> is all the others here to presume good things of all. I presume good 
> things of you too. Ken nor I give any of the technical detail supporting 
> simple practice as it is totally unnecessary. Learning and sharing here 
> means some of the things stated are wrong and I constantly learn and often 
> and gladly "stand corrected". You don't need technical information about a 
> tire to know when it's flat.
> Nothing in your very long effort is correct. I could go thru the entire 
> post to correct it. I could give you the exact name and part numbers of 
> the products I possess, have used, or know of. I could tell you how 
> insulation can also conduct electricity or why you don't ground a trailer 
> with the ball only. We could discuss grease, oil, rubber, etc., ad 
> infinitum. None of that would advance anything.
> It is important to this list that your information and statements are 
> misleading, confusing, wrong, and could drive someone away from good 
> practice, maintenance, and ease of care. That is the only purpose of this 
> reply.
> Al it's just grease, a good practice, a messy bother at times that Ken and 
> I already stated we sometimes do on some things and always do on others. I 
> find no problem with being wrong, corrected and learning. I learn quick. I 
> would have a terrible problem with being wrong, not knowing it, and 
> continuing in error. Is kind of like walking around with your zipper down. 
> Now there is nothing wrong with that I suppose, but I sure hope someone 
> would kindly tell me so I could zip up!