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Re: [SilverStreak] 5 days on the road Silver Streaking

Did you see other RV's? Is America still RVing? What did you see? Were there any other SS or Streamlines??
Houston, TX?

We saw quite a few others RVing. It seems like a person sees more of the big 5th wheelers 
than any other types, maybe that is because those rigs are so big they catch your eye. I 
did see four or five triple rigs, usually a pickup pulling a 5th wheel trailer that had 
a boat hooked up to it. The reason I had noticed those was the discussion on?the VAL?site 
about people who pull two trailers at the same time. I did see two triple rigs that had 
bumper pulled campers with a boat or a quad trailer behind it. As we went by campgrounds 
some had quite a few campers in them so people are going to use their rigs even if the 
price of gas is high. As far as SS or Streamline, I saw one Streamline that looked a little 
rough parked in a storage type place outside of Shoshone, WY. I did not see a single SS.?
We saw a new Airstream going?west on I-80 in central Nebraska and?saw a older Airstream 
with three broken windows in a back yard in Crete, Nebraska. I saw a yellow Avion going 
the opposite way on I-90 in South Dakota. I think in another week or two there will be 
more on the road. Some families will start to travel after the kids get out of school and 
they have a chance to plan and pack. We are going to go up to Yellowstone with the camper 
in a week or two, but the forecast for tonight is rain or?SNOW. We have not had?a camper 
in the park for many years, it will be nice although we will make darn sure the furnace is 
working.? Joe