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[SilverStreak] New refridgerator

   I put the new refridgerator in the Silver Streak yesterday. Same size as=
 the old fridge so it fit in same opening pretty easy. It was a little deep=
er so I had to move the gas fitting back a little. I also put the 12volt ba=
ttery behind for the direct spark but when I plugged it in and put it on au=
to it went to gas instead of ac. So I tried plugging it into an extention c=
ord from the house then it went to ac like it should=2C sat there for about=
 five minutes and then started flashing. It never did turn on. When I unplu=
g the fridge and try the gas it does the same thing. The gas light comes on=
=2C sits there for about five minutes and then starts to flash. Looked thro=
ugh the installation manual and the trouble shooting section. No mention wh=
at to do if the fridge starts to flash.
    Anybody got any ideas? Does the fridge need to be grounded to the trail=
er better? I am stumped .