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[SilverStreak] 39 Degrees on the mountain-Cool!

Hey Joe,
Congrats on your trip! Hot here so jealous of 39 degrees for sure. Send that 
good logo to Tom! Carefully pack it cause you never know when it will be 
useful for production pattern! Hope you turned off the pilot before stacking 
the burners on top of a terry towel on the stove top.
-Eddie- Houston, TX

----- Original Message ----- 

> We got some Silver Streak e-mail! I was starting to wonder if Yahoo was 
> going to treat me bad like AOL/Netscape did. Also, when we got back from 
> the mountains on Friday mornting we had our Logo's in a box on the deck so 
> thanks to Tom for getting that done, now all I have to do is clean them, 
> prime them, and put them on. Should I save the old back logo? It is still 
> whole, the front one was all there until about two weeks ago so if anyone 
> wanted them for "original" refirbishment I could send them. Last thing, we 
> put a towel on top of the stove to hold the burners down as per Eddie's 
> suggestion on this list. It worked like a charm. Oh, and the low on both 
> Wed and Thursday nights was 39 degrees, that is what camping over 9,000 
> foot will do for you.
>  Joe