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[SilverStreak] SS Digest V2 #10 and other.

We got some Silver Streak e-mail! I was starting to wonder if Yahoo was going to treat 
me bad like AOL/Netscape did. Also, when we got back from the mountains on Friday mornting 
we had our Logo's in a box on the deck so thanks to Tom for getting that done, now all I 
have to do is clean them, prime them, and put them on. Should I save the old back logo? 
It is still whole, the front one was all there until about two weeks ago so if anyone wanted 
them for "original" refirbishment I could send them. Last thing, we put a towel on top of the 
stove to hold the burners down as per Eddie's suggestion on this list. It worked like a charm. 
Oh, and the low on both Wed and Thursday nights was 39 degrees, that is what camping over 
9,000 foot will do for you.