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Re: [SilverStreak] brake wiring - Pinched wire

Had a similar problem with our tow van. The generator's charging wire 
was pinched against its bracket. The insulation finally rubbed through 
after 17 years, shorting the generator. Burned the generator out and 
blew the fusible link. The new generator didn't help but somehow 
didn't burn its diodes out. After fits, finally discovered the shorted 
wire. A slight rerouting and thick shrink tubing (the copper wire was 
so welded to the steel bracket that I had to cut the wire loose, 
slightly shortening the wire when I soldered it beck together) fixed 
the problem.
The shorted wire was almost impossible to detect by sight. The wire 
looked OK.

Recently I replaced an Argosy's brakes due to one adjuster spring 
breaking, dropping the adjuster against the drum. By the time the 
adjuster jammed between the brake shoe and the drum, locking the wheel 
and blowing the tire, the adjuster was worn half way away. I suspect 
that when the trailer was backed it allowed the adjuster to shift and 
get stuck. 
The owner mentioned that a friend had had to replace adjuster springs 
on his AS several times due to breakage.
We know we should replace ancient safety hardware, but tend to let 
things go until they fail.
