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[VAC] Fantastic Fans not so Fantastic?

  	I'm looking for that person or persons that live where the temp. 
drops to freezing....I had a regular vent in my 77 Sovereign (with 
plastic cover, probably from camping world) that the previous owner 
installed and every time there was a difference in temperature the darn 
thing would drip all over the couch (condensation) I tried one of those 
foam pillow things, a small tupperware bucket (of which I thought was 
pretty cool) tied to the under side to catch the water..a towel at night 
on the couch....all with no avail. Have any of you had the same problem 
before? do these FF's drip in winter? or is this merely a full-timer 
problem... Yes, I no longer suffer, I made the most beautiful aluminum 
patch on the outside/inside put some insulation between and am pretty 
content with it I must say...after all, the trailer has double the 
windows of my folk's house...Jeff-n-Daile.