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[VAC] Re: sewing curtains.

Sewing is very time consuming, that's why most of our clothes are made
where people will work for low hourly wages or piece work.

I used to do it professionally and discovered that unless I charged
$3,000 and up for a wedding dress I was not making a nickle.

The hardest part is the actual machine, which is not as simple as it
looks. It needs to be cleaned and lubricated frequently. If you are
using an old one, take it in for a tune up. Getting it threaded
correctly and adjusting the tension is tricky too.  In fact it 's a
pretty mechanical machine !

If you can learn to sew a straight seam and if you are good at measuring
and being picky accurate, you will be a pro in no time.

Daisy ( who likes her venetian blinds )