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[VAC] Re: Rivet Shaver

Bill, many of us would be very interested in learning more about this 
method.  Have you actually done it?  Could you post photos somewhere?  
This is an important development if you've made it work.  

I'd also be fascinated to learn where you are buying the cutting blades 
at a reasonable price.  Our experience is that they are not much cheaper 
than the entire tool.  Also, what size collar does the "body" of the 
tool have?  On the Gesipa brand shaver, the collar and the blade are 
matched perfectly to the rivet head size to give the right shape cut and 
to prevent the collar from scratching the skin around the rivet. 

As I have stated several times, any possibility of a less expensive 
shaving system is worth exploring and should be widely shared.  
