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[VAC] Re: WAS Mystery Leak

It takes generally 50 volts for humans to detect a tingle with dry skin.
Below that it varies according to skin moisture. Some tough skinned
"electricians" think 120 volts is just detectable. They are stupid.
Higher voltages, such as the 20,000 volts from a coil, break through dry
skin. As low as 500 volts will do that. I have a scar from 900 volts
punching a hole in a finger.

The current that results from voltage is critical to survival. Typically
currents under 10 ma are considered below the threshold of feeling.
Hence GFI trip at 5 ma. Currents from 15 to 25 ma, are felt strongly,
from 25 to about 50 take control of the muscles and prevent letting go
when grasping. Strong men have been known to crush bones endwise from
such currents. Current above 35 to 50 ma, in the vicinity of the heart
leads to ventricular fibrillation. This current is reached from shocks
of 120 volts. Ventricular fibrillation is a terminal condition with life
expectancy of less than 5 minutes unless there is a defibrillator and/or
CPR applied in that time period. Greater currents lead to heart
stoppage, from which spontaneous recovery can be triggered by a fall
when the current is stopped. Higher currents do significant internal
burn damage that is difficult to survive.

Gerald J.