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[VAC] Re: Trouble with termites?

    From your description of the damage and the size of the bore-holes,  I
would bet what you have are Carpenter Bees. They will bore a hole that looks
exactly like one drilled with a drill bit. They then make some sort of nest
and raise thier brood in relative safety. This is the first time I've heard
of them boring through plastic, however, I have seen them bore into wooden
house trim and through vinyl siding, so it's possible.
    As a matter of fact, I have one who has taken up residence in the lower
baluster rail of my deck (pressure treated Southern yellow Pine) I can tell
when he(she) is in residence by the small mound of sawdust under the
railing. I am pretty sure that the Arsenic is a cumulative poison, but it's
been 4 years now and he(she) is still going strong.
    If your belly pan is (was) not intact, once you fix everything try to
get the pan sealed well. I don't think they'll bore through Aluminum.