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[VAC] Wierd Brakes

Hi Pat - I'll bet you didn't expect all the responses you've been getting with your question.

On my 1978 Ford Van, I have a Draw-Tite Activator II Electronic Brake Control 5500 ($89) with a
lifetime warranty. It has no moving parts or pendulums. Of its many features, two were particularly
enticing and I find since them extremely convenient. 

One is a brake ammeter digital display right on the brake controller which tells me exactly how much
power (amps) is going to the brakes. 

The second feature is a thumb wheel which enables me to change output on the fly (more or less
amps). The thumb wheel is easily accessible from the driver's seat (closer than the radio knobs).
The "feel" on the thumb wheel is in 1/2 amp increments (clicks). By touch alone, I can precisely
adjust (click) the output for more (or less) aggressive braking than the normal setting would

The combination of this feature and my trailer brakes working evenly together means I can haul down 
aggressively (without skidding) anytime when the traffic ahead is making a panic stop, or when an
exit ramp curve is tighter than normal, or when a stop sign is almost immediate. Or, when entering
an Interstate under construction, seeing a "Yield" sign with no lane available for blending in, both
lanes packed and "Yield" means "Full Stop - Right Now." I like being able to instantaneously click
up maximum amps for maximum stopping capability.

My Kelsey Hayes hydraulic brake controller (and tee) is in the Van as a spare (if the Draw-Tite 
crumps out on me unexpectedly). It would be just my luck for that to occur along Top of the World
Highway in Alaska. Installation is so simple, even I could install it during bright daylight at two
in the morning.  

My Jordan Brake Controller did a fine job, but the output adjustment knob wasn't convenient enough
for my fingers. When the Controller actually crumped out (after the warranty has lapsed), I was near
a Draw-Tite dealer who sold farm wagons. He both figured out the problem with the Jordan and
installed the Draw-Tite ($20) in less than half an hour. Some people are so competent, it's scary.

Why am I mentioning all this? Because change is always occurring and by knowing a few of the
differences, perhaps each of us can do a better job of matching our particular preferences to the
improvements being offered is each year's new models.
