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[VAC] Re: Another Stupid Newbie Question....

On my 66 Safari the Atwood Bowen has a pipe that runs from the outside inward toward the tank.  There is a bunch of tubes and sensors in front inside of that pipe.  The pilot is toward the rear of those tubes.  It is most easily reached with a butane fire stick.

Locate the red knob on the left side of the entire unit.  Get your closeup glasses and read the labels which should be OFF / ON and a grooved position.  This grooved position is the pilot position.  When it is placed down the groove enables you to press the pilot button for a while.  Then light the pilot with the fire stick while continuing to hold the pilot button down for about 30 seconds.

Then release the pilot button and turn the red knob to the ON position.  Almost immediately the gas will jet flame down the pipe toward the tank.  Carefully put back on the screen using the two twist nuts.  Try to do all this in a place where it is not windy or block the wind.

PS To all Newbies.  A lot of people would rather hear the nature of the problem in the subject line.  Seems to me that there are too many threads that begin with "A Newbie Question" or "Another Stupid Newbie Question".  At some level we're all newbies.