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[VAC] Re: LED light bulbs-prices

         Don't be *too* hard on them, Gerald...the data is interesting, but 
of little use to us, other than curiosity.  I doubt they were trying to 
answer "our question," or even knew (or care) what "our question" is.
         Examining some of the links you and others have provided, I've 
concluded that if the LED mfg. want to sell their product for illumination, 
then either the LED mfg.. need to start publishing equivalences to our 
standard incandescent lamps, or else we need to find the "mcd" ratings and 
illumination cones for the incandescent lamps.  Are the latter readily 
available?  I think you commented once that the incadescent lamps were 
generally rated on a 4*pi illumination sphere; it's simple to convert an 
illumination cone angle to an equivalent solid angle, and maybe we could 
get a comparison that way?

- Dick