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[SilverStreak] Silver Streak Logos

Here is the latest on the logo situation.  Sorry about the length of this

First, I advised on Saturday that I had received Jason's logo intact.
Unfortunately, that was not correct, as I found when I checked this morning.
Part of the "S" on Silver had broken off inside the package, and I had not
noticed that it was missing from the logo.  This will NOT affect having the
logos cast.  The logo itself was slightly damaged, but both pieces are usable.
They will need to be tacked down anyway so can still be used to cast a new
logo.  Jason will receive a new cast logo in exchange.

The price to produce these logos will include the following:
- A set-up charge of $100.  This set-up charge can be avoided if the item to
be cast is provided to the casting company mounted on a suitable board.  In
the case of the Silver Streak logo, it requires a 28" x 14" board.  The board
must be of smooth furniture grade plywood (such as birch) and finished both
sides.  When provided, the board and mounted sample are returned to the
customer and can be used for future castings, thus avoiding a set-up charge in
future as well.  I chose to provide the casting company with a board, so that
I would receive it and the logo back for future use.  However, I also chose to
have the casting company mount the logo for this initial order, as otherwise,
the casting would have been made using the material exactly as presented, and
I did not feel that I had enough knowledge of what was needed so as to present
exactly what was required.  In other words, if I gave them something that
resulted in flawed copies, I would be stuck with the flawed copies, so decided
to let them do the mounting.  Thus, we have a set-up charge of $100.  Probably
I can provide them with any future mounted samples and avoid any future set-up

- The smallest board I could buy was 4' x 4'.  I supplied a 28" x 14"  piece
to the casting company, so still have some furniture grade birch board left
over which can be used for further logos.  Cost of the 4' x 4' board I bought
was $54.11

- Jason shipped the Silver Streak logo (as well as a Sabre logo) to me.  His
cost was $22.95 Cdn. which is approximately par with the U.S. dollar right

- Logos will cost $20.00 each piece.

- Shipping is still to be determined.  I had hoped to maybe use USPS Priority
mail, but see that their boxes are too small for these logos.  Probably the
shipping costs will end up somewhere around $20 to $25 per shipment.  I will
check around this week to see what I can find.

- Right now, we have a request for 32 logos.  A listing of those requesting
logos follows.  Assuming it does not change, we have costs of $100.00 plus
$54.11 plus $22.95 (plus a $20 logo for Jason) or a total of $197.06 divided
by 31 or $6.35 per logo.  This means that each logo will cost the $20.00 per
piece plus $6.35 or $26.35 each, plus shipping.  Afterwards, we will be left
with a mounted sample which can be used for future orders as well as left over
furniture grade plywood for future orders.  Also, hopefully I can avoid any
future set-up charges when I see how the whole process works.  These prices
may vary just a bit, depending on whether the order count holds at 32 or not.

This order is only for the Silver Streak logos, which measure approximately
18" x 5".  They are the same as a picture which can be seen at
I realize that other logos are also wanted, such as Sabre and Atlas, but they
can come later after we know that this process works satisfactorily.
Incidently, Jason also sent a Sabre logo, although it was somewhat damaged at
the ends.  It was also slightly distorted, being a little "wavy", - from
weathering I expect.  The casting company felt that we should probably use a
better specimen in order to get a better finished product.

Painting is also a question.  These logos will come back from the casting
company in a raw aluminum state.  They will need to be painted in the original
white and red.  I painted my Streamline logos myself, and think that everyone
should be able to do the same with their logos.  Admittedly, I only had one
color to content with, but think that it should not be too difficult.  One
thing to know is that before painting the finished product, a primer must be
applied as there will be out-gassing from the aluminum logos.  I used a spray
primer on my logos that I obtained from Home Depot.  I also used a spray paint
from Home Depot for the blue and for the black that I painted my logos with.
This final spray proved not to stand up to the wear, and I went to a paint
from a local model shop.  A bit more pricey, but it has stood up for several
years now without any sign of wear.

Now, here is who all I have listed as wanting logos.  Please check to see if
your name is on the list and if the quantitiy is correct.  Then, please e-mail
me direct (not via the Silver Streak list) at and
confirm that your order is correct.  If I don't hear from you, I will assume
that you do not want the logos.  If you want logos, and do not see your name,
then tell me to add your name and tell me the quantity you want.  I will be
asking for money as soon as I can find out the shipping charges.  For your
information, it will take about a week for the casting company to produce the
logos after I give them the quantity wanted, which I hope to do later this

      Name Quantity
      Bob Greene 1
      Darin Unthank 4
      Eddie Huffstetter 5
      Gary Huckaby 2
      Jo Blackmore 2
      Mary & Larry 2
      Patti Glover 2
      Richard Clossen 2
      Scott Holden 2
      Sherylyn 2
      Mark & Rosie Alberti 2
      Jason Parks 2
      Bev Harris 2
      Thomas Williams 2
      Total 32

Please let me know if there are any additional questions or comments.


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