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[SilverStreak] New server....

With the list back up now, I invite you all to take a look at the website.
While there have been a LOT of changes, most of them have involved behind the
scenes changes such as clean-up and a change of most members from html to

There are however several things you might notice.

1.) The old message boards are still on the site, but they are for information
only.  No messages can be posted to them.  Information will show up in
searches, but cannot be added to.
2.) In place of the old Silver Streak message board is a phpBB forum type
board.  You will need to register and set up a username and password to use
this board, but I encourage anyone interested in using this type of board to
do so.  The board will be needing a moderator.  If anyone is interested in
serving as such, please contact me.
3.) There are several search links throughout the site, dealing with
individual areas of the site.  They will return results with the search words
or strings highlighted for easier use.  The main search function still exists
on the Home page.  It has been broken down into some smaller sections for
faster results.
4.) There have been more pictures of trailers added to the site.

There is still some ongoing work to do, both on the site and on this mailing
list before everything is back to full function.  Please bear with any
problems.  If you do happen to encounter broken links, or other problems,
please let me know.  Long after I thought that I had them all fixed, I keep
running into them.
