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[SilverStreak] migration to new server

I have been working for several months now migrating the site over to a new
server.  The current server is only a pentium 3 machine with a 6 gb hard
drive.  It is getting a little long in the tooth!  The new server has
up-to-date versions of the programs I am using, so will provide that
advantage as well.

I will be breaking over to the new server very soon now.  Big item is to
make sure that the mailing lists are working, and they do seem to be.

You should not notice much difference right away if things go well.  Most of
the changes I have been making as I go are housekeeping types.  The search
off of the home page may work a little faster hopefully.  Additionally,
there are a number of new search functions scattered throughout the site -
such as now exists in the  Silver Streak area.

Naturally, I don't really expect everything to go as planned, so you might
experience some downtime when the changeover occurs.  Hopefully not though.

If the list vanishes for any length of time, you can always contact me at for information.
