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Re: [SilverStreak] SS Motor Coaches

Using PIPL search:

Judd A. Bietz (b. 1968)

909 County Road 2500

Crete, NE 68333


(age of information unknown)

-----Original Message-----
From: Eddie <>
Sent: Wed, 7 May 2008 8:32 am
Subject: [SilverStreak] SS Motor Coaches

Does anybody know how to contact Judd Bietz Crete NE? I have been going over
the Message Board Motor Homes as a result of Bob Greene's.

I am interested in all the SS motor homes. If anybody is aware of SS motor
homes I would like to hear about them and their coaches.

The photos are apparently by Judd Bietz. He mentions Duane Irvin and Fran.
There are postings by Perry N, Tony Wooley,  John Moses of Anchorage, Ardith
Fowler, Brian with a 76 Canada, and others.

If anyone knows of these folks I would appreciate help contacting them.
Houston, TX