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RE: [SilverStreak] Silver Streak Logos

Title: RE: [SilverStreak] Silver Streak Logos

Confirmed for 4.  Thanks, Tom

-----Original Message-----
From: "Tom Patterson" <>
To: "" <>
Sent: 6/17/08 1:56 PM
Subject: [SilverStreak] Silver Streak Logos

Just a reminder that if you have previously indicated that you want some
Silver Streak logos, you need to re-confirm your order now, before I place the
order with the casting company this week.  If you do not re-confirm, you will
not get your logos.

Those who have previously expressed an interest are:

      Name Quantity
      Bob Greene 1
      Darin Unthank 4
      Eddie Huffstetter 5
      Gary Huckaby 2
      Jo Blackmore 2
      Mary & Larry 2
      Patti Glover 2
      Richard Clossen 2
      Scott Holden 2
      Sherylyn 2
      Mark & Rosie Alberti 2
      Jason Parks 2
      Bev Harris 2
      Thomas Williams 2
      Total 32

Today, two further members, LaDona Gooch and Ronda Jones have also requested
logos.  Most of those listed above have yet to reply however.

Further information:
- The logos will come with predrilled holes, which match up exactly with the
holes on the sample provided by Jason.
- The logos will be flat.  They will not be curved to fit any kind of curve on
the Silver Streak.  This should not be a problem.  The sample provided by
Jason was flat, or to a little extent had a reverse curve due to warpage from
the sun, I suppose.
- I don't remember if the logos have the star above the I in Silver Streak,
and the sample is now at the casting company.  I have asked Jason if he
- I still don't have shipping costs.
