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Re: [SilverStreak] Re: Silver Streak Digest V1 #592

Suicide means door opens to front. Motor home door opens to rear. If door is 
suicide, comes open, wind snatches hard and blows door off or crashes it 
into side of coach if your lucky and it does not destroy something or 
someone. If opens to front, door is not able to fly open as wind while 
traveling won't allow door to blow out and tends to want to keep it nearly 
closed. Dead bolt on suicide door is absolute must because there is too much 
movement while traveling to depend on the latch which is not very deep or 

Fridges are a standard sizing. Check the links I sent. All have the 
dimensions and I would gladly re-send the info. Your new fridge and trim 
will fit. Sometimes you will need a little altering but you will be pleased 
with how well all will be doable as you wish.

eBait was running a 50 cent special for ads, so a seller told me. In any 
event I am told if you start a bid at a penny or 99 cents, put very few 
pics, it is affordable. What cost most are pics, reserves, stuff like that. 
I have never sold on ePay, but passing along what long time repeat sellers 
have told me.

I'd try to sell the heater and the shelves, but state that you will charge 
only actual shipping because most people are like me and get turned off by 
sellers making their money on so-called shipping and handling. Your 99 cent 
sale may go to the last minute with no takers only to shock you in the end 
so never get disheartened. eCrave usually has a free or low cost re-list if 
something does not sell. You'll do best with the shortest listing period, 
rather than long seven-day listings. Just list everything starting with the 
words vintage trailer........ and everybody has an auto search for that. 
Your items will get seen.
Houston, TX