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Re: [SilverStreak] Registry w a change

I just may go back to wearing a kilt like my ancestors did. You can hardly 
take a leak behind a tree in the middle of a thicket in the north woods 
without a stinkin webcam watching you. Pick your nose in a restroom and it's 
all over the web in a couple of hours. A skirt makes a portable outhouse. 
They may be able to tell what is going on but at least my privates will 
remain private. ;-)

Intrustin' thread on GMCnet from 10+ years ago.

The Canada-USA border is 20' wide, 10' on each side, and has cameras and 
detectors that sense humans crossing. Now whether anyone who is supposed to 
be watching the monitors is awake or not, ?.

How to get across: Wear a burnoose and a large scraggly beard. You won't be 
bothered. None of that racial/ethnic/religious typing!

Sure, "United Stateser" is kinda clumsy. I think it funny the "Buy American" 
bumperstickers. As if Canada, Nextico, Panama, Argentina, Greenland and even 
a couple of bits of France aren't part of America.
North and South America are really one continent. Just look at one of those 
Nat'l Geographic maps of the ocean floor showing the earth without the ocean 
water. The continental shelf doesn't break between N. & S. Am.

Weuns wuz hyar at least 110 yares before the United State was even thought of. 
All of the immigrant ancestors I can find were here before 1700. We iz Native 
Americans. Hardly a single "Injun" can prove (by paleface documentary standards) 
he had ancestors in America that early.

-- "Eddie" <> wrote:

Thank you Tom and Luke.
Reminder to folks.
Anything you send on a forum like this will go instantly public. So if you seek 
privacy, off list is your only hope, but your probably out there anyway. Want to 
see an example? Just Google Eddie Huffstetter, uh it's shocking. Nothing is private.

-->>Yeah. Put my name in and all sorts of stuff about people who aren't me 
shows up.

Houston, TX