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Re: [SilverStreak] Re: electrical system

Just so long as the trickle charger puts out as much as the average power 
use over time plus some for charging. If your batteries are staying charged 
over time, you probably have enough charger power. If not, a more powerful 
charger, even a modern computerized wizbox, is cheap compared to a 
Now, some modern electronic RV equipment is sensitive to overvoltage, and 
a charger can properly go up to 14.6 V (for automotive type batteries), so 
make sure the charger never goes overvoltage.
When the charger is connected, it is powering whatever you have turned on 
up to the point that the charger voltage drops to battery voltage (12.6 V). 
Then the load will begin draining the battery(ies).
Sounds like you're pretty "up" on this stuff yourself.

-- Jd Lyall <> wrote:

I charge my battery with a little solid state 6 amp charger from a 
Marine supply place. It claims to have three charge states; a modern 
charger. With float at 13.2 or something. When I am using 12 volt in the 
trailer I run off the battery, not the charger. Right? The amp draw 
capacity of the battery is way higher than the buzz box. Why would I pay 
hundreds of dollars for a new combo charger/converter when all I need is a 

Am I wrong here? I've read the 'ample power' books and lived off 6 big 
Trojans and solar panels for house power in the mountains of Haiti. Why 
would I need anything other than a smart charger?