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[SilverStreak] travel with propane bottle on - stove top pilot, fridge, water heater

Nah, just was talking about sort of remembering where the slot in the little 
screw to adjust the flame was, but that's not important either. The little 
flame is only like a small candle flame and needs to be high enough not to 
blow out, but not so high as to be much of a flame at all. It is not 
critical. There is no air mix to it, so it will be little and yellow, not 
blue. Too high and it creates too much flame, heat, and so on. The stove top 
at the center will get too hot to touch after a while anyway, so don't put 
flammable or meltables on it especially in that area when in use.
-Eddie- Houston, TX

----- Original Message ----- 

> What a great bunch of tips, Eddie.  Thank you so much for taking, as
> you always do, time to fully answer a question.
> Though I had to laugh when you instructed me to just "mentally
> remember" where the flame is set.  As forgetful as I am, I'll probably
> remember that little detail right after I remember where I lost my head.
> I guess I'd better take a picture...  ;)
> Cristi