The Silver Streak E-mail List

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[SilverStreak] Mailing list update etc.

The mailing list program has been sucessfully installed, and is operating on
the new server.  This means that the site, programs and all, has now been
moved off of GoDaddy.

All the testing and messages over the past day or so were by a freelance
programer in order to resolve several mailing list issues.  These were:
1.) The digest was not working.  This meant that approximately 40% of the
subscribers to this list were not receiving their messages.
2.) The program which strips HTML and certain attachments from messages when
they are submitted was not working.  This left open the possibility that
viruses or other malware could be transmitted to members of the list via
messages from the list.

Both of these issues have been resolved.  Digests are now going out, and HTML
and certain attachments are being stripped off of messages received by the
list program.

Also, the main search function on the Home Page, which is found under the
"Search Site" item on the menu is now working as well.  Actually, with the
extra memory the new server has (512 mb versus 128 mb), it works much faster
than on the original site.  Try it.  Try also the various search links you
will find throughout the site, such as on the e-mail list archive page.  If
you are looking for something you know was discussed last year on the list -
this is an excellent way to find what was said!

Life is good!
