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[SilverStreak] Website and mailing lists update

Well folks,

Here is the latest on the website and the mailing lists.  There are two
mailing lists involved.  The Vintage Airstream list, and the Silver Streak

The website transferred over to GoDaddy without incident.  It is working well,
although there are probably errors that I haven't found yet.  They should be

The mailing list transfer did not work well.  I transferred them to GoDaddy as
well, but found that GoDaddy has a limit of 1,000 relays per day for a hosted
website such as mine.  The two lists together have almost 800 members.
Therefore, if a one mailing is sent to each person on the two lists, that will
count as 800 relays.  The 1,000 limit was reached within minutes of getting
the site transferred.  That is why the e-mails cut off on June 24th.

To resolve this problem, I moved the mailserver back to the old server, and
complained to GoDaddy.  There is about a month and a half left of my contract
on the old server.

GoDaddy came back to me, and upped the limit to 8,000 per day.  I advised them
that while this limit might work on some days, it would not on others, and
asked for a limit of at least 20,000 daily relays.  GoDaddy declined to give
me this requested amount.  They told me to work with the 8,000 and if no-one
complained about me being a spammer, they might consider upping the limit in
the future.

I advised them that this did not resolve my problem, and left me with no
option but to look for another hosting company that would not have this kind
of limit on relays.

So, for now, the website will continue to stay on GoDaddy.  The mailserver
will continue to work on the old server.  All will continue working just as it
does right now.

Meanwhile, I will be looking for another hosting company and server.  The old
hosting company did not have any limit on the number of relays, and I have
found others that do not as well.  Unfortunately, this means that another
transfer of the site will be in the works in the future.

If you have any questions, please contact me off-list.
