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Re: [SilverStreak] 1973 Silver Streak for Sale

From what I have been able to find out, only some 1973 Silver Streaks came 
equipped with a Grey Water Tank.  The EPT mandated that Grey Water could no 
longer be drained out on the ground in 1973, and apparently it took a bit of 
time before Silver Streak started putting Grey Water Tanks onboard as a 
standard item.  I have talked to two owners of 1973 Silver Streaks that were 
produced late in the year, and they did come equipped with grey water tanks, 
according to the sales data they had from the original owners.  Perhaps the 
Grey Water Tanks were specified by those who ordered the trailer, as many 
Silver Streaks were "Built to Order" which is why there are any number minor 
changes from trailer to trailer.

In my case, my 1972 Cont. Atlas 26' had a Grey Water Tank professionally 
added fairly early in it's life.

