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Re: [SilverStreak] new member

Hi Lorrie, I live in Victoria, BC - and much like you, just had to have a 
Silver Streak. I bought a 1966 - 17' Sabre a couple months ago and ever 
since can't take my eyes off it or stop thinking about it! Consequently, I 
continuously bore my friends and family with my chatter about how well it's 
built and what I'm currently repairing or upgrading. I'm so glad to find the 
SS website hosted by Tom Patterson as the information passed between members 
has been invaluable and has given me the confidence to take on some projects 
that I probably would've thought twice about.

Vintage Trailer Supply has also helped with supplying parts that no local RV 
store has stocked for years (or even know about for that matter).

Great to know somebody north of the border!