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Re: [BULK]RE: [SilverStreak] Re towing

As far as the plastic letters, I have had to watch mine close and reglue 
them in a few places as they were about to fall off as the previous silicone 
or glue had crumbled.
I am going to a sign shop next week to have them make me up some new vinyl 
graphics for the side of my trailer that say Continental Rocket as the 
original ones are long gone, you can only see a little past resemblance of 
them being there.  I think I am also going to have them print me out a retro 
looking "rocket" graphic to place on the side as well.  not too large but 
just for something different in the same red.

Regarding atenna, mine still has an 8 track player radio, the radio was 
working when I bought it, but now I just get static, I am going nuts trying 
to figure out what I bumped or changed when I was cleaning it last summer 
after purchasing it.  The 8 track works fine still.

I was also wondering who made Streamline being they look almost the same? 
was it SS? Anyone.....
I have a line on a nice one locally.

I would love a grey tank, next thing for me is new carpet, the 
goldish/redish shag has gotta go it is seen better days. Maybe some bright 
orange shag will be added for that 70's feel.
